Our Mission: To provide individuals and organizations with the tools and coaching to respond to the ever changing world and to engage in work that truly matters to them.
This starts by supporting and empowering employees in showing up in the places and spaces right outside their front door.
Our vision: is to create a a world where we our personal, professional, and civic aspirations are valued and welcomed into our work.
Where organizations go beyond selling products to becoming active players within their communities – empowering the people within the company and directly outside their front door.
We Value:
Awareness of self, other, and the systems we live in and operate
Equity We believe that every human life, perspective, and experience has value. We move past the limits of historically exclusive and discriminatory systems towards inclusive practices.
Ownership of Experience & Autonym: We respect the wisdom and knowledge of each individual and regard every single person’s lived experience as a valuable source of wisdom and insight. As well as the right and ability to make their own choices in shared owner ship of resources.
Cultural Competency: Acknowledging and respecting the diverse array of customs, beliefs, and experiences in the room.
Humor: That changing the world is hard work. We value imbuing the process with a sense of levity.
Emergence. Because life is not linear and not everything can be planned. It takes adaptability and awareness to be present with what is coming up.
Interdependence: We acknowledge that we are all intricately connected – that our livelihood and our well-being depend upon one another. This interdependence reinforces the importance of respecting and building community.